
The Foundation For Black Communities Tells Their Story


The Foundation For Black Communities exists to ensure that every Black person in Canada can thrive and have agency in defining their own future. They work with various partners to support Black-led and Black-serving organizations and ensure they have the resources they need to make a meaningful impact.

Their efforts center around change-making, during which they work directly with Canadian business, philanthropic, and political partners to further their mission of providing the sustained resources needed for Black-led and Black-serving organizations to benefit their communities. Stewarded by a working group of Black professionals with roots in the non-profit, philanthropic, and community development sectors, the FFBC works tirelessly to support their communities.  

Ellum’s mission was to tell this story through sound and motion.


Working closely with the FFBC, Ellum produced, directed, shot, and edited On Our Own Terms to convey the Foundation’s passionate pursuit of its goals through film.  

The production was a highly collaborative process, with members of the FFBC involved at every step. From scriptwriting to post-production, Ellum’s sound and motion team and the FFBC worked closely to ensure the finished film radiated with hope — inspiring its audience just as the Foundation inspires its communities.

To best convey the Foundation’s community roots and approach, the cinematography emulated a 16mm film shoot. As a staple of home movie-making for decades, 16mm feels grounded, organic, and intimate, wiping away the clean, abrasive sharpness of digital mediums. The production’s lighting was designed to be equally organic through its simplicity, utilizing one spot to light the community members as if they were basked in sunlight.  

On Our Own Term’s motion graphic work also served to further increase the production’s intimacy. The motion graphics are simple and to the point, shedding all bloat to allow the audience to focus on the film’s message. The film was produced in both English and French, allowing the FFBC to reach its audience across Canada.  

In essence, On Our Own Terms was built around the Foundation For Black Community’s mission — it was paramount that nothing distract from that core ideal.

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